- Crantson tax revenue at stake it talks with Water Supply Board
- Garabedian seeking way to halt concret plant
- Judge Dmitri, rest in peace [it's actually spelled Dimitri]
- In a letter to the philanthropist, Coucnil President John J. Lombardi describes the "monumemtal problems" facing the city's schools and asks for help. [this was in a sub-headline]
Having collected these, I realize that they are all from either the letters section (which has lately been notoriously bad about typos in headlines) or from the various local sections that are not distributed statewide except on the web. So perhaps a different person is responsible for writing those headlines. But no matter what, sloppy, sloppy, sloppy.
Whomever, not whoever. Got grammar-check? Good point, however; the BloJo has some serious spelling issues.
I've always had trouble with "whoever" versus "whomever," as it seems that many people do. My thinking was that the correct usage here was "whoever" since it was the subject of the clause, "whoever is writing." I'll freely admit that I could be wrong, but the point is that I don't get paid to write, and they do.
" ... but the point is that I don't get paid to write, and they do."
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